09 Jan 2024 / Agenda
Invitation : Launch event of the policy paper ‘Decent Work’ 12/1
Dans le cadre du nouveau document stratégique sur le travail décent, un événement aura lieu le 12 janvier. Retrouvez l'invitation ci-dessous (EN).
Access to decent work is a fundamental right!
The ILO’s Decent Work Agenda is based on the recognition that productive employment and decent work are key factors in reducing poverty, increasing welfare and achieving gender equality.
Belgium is committed to the implementation of this Decent Work Agenda and therefore launches a new policy paper on Decent Work during its EU-presidency. The implementation of this agenda will be based on a strong partnership between the social partners, NGO’s, the Belgian bilateral agency (Enabel) and administration (DGD), the Belgian Investment Company (BIO) and the ILO.
The Belgian Minister of Development Cooperation and Major Cities Caroline Gennez invites you to the launch of the Belgian strategy paper on Decent Work on 12 January, at 14h30, at Residence Palace, Brussels. The event will explore national and international strategies on forwarding Decent Work in international partnerships. ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister Pierre-Yves Dermagne, UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights Olivier De Schutter and ITUC General Secretary Luc Triangle will be amongst those to participate in the discussions.
Preliminary timetable:
14:30 Doors
15:00 Opening by Minister Gennez
15:10 Keynote by DG Houngbo
15:25 Panel discussion on a multi-actor approach to forwarding decent work with Gilbert Houngbo, Olivier De Schutter, Luc Triangle, moderated by Heidy Rombouts
16:55 Forward look by Belgian Civil Society Platform CPWW/PCTD
16:05 Closing Speech by Deputy Prime Minister Dermagne
16:15 Reception
The event takes place on January 12, at the Residence Palace (room Polak), Brussels.
PS.: Please register via this link.